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Don Piper

In 1989, Don Piper laid dying from a horrific car accident. A pastor, who was travelling behind Don’s car at the time of the accident, immediately rushed to Don to find him lying lifeless. Feeling a call from God, the pastor began to pray over Don’s body along that lonely road. After an hour and a half, as the pastor prayed over Don’s lifeless body, Don regained consciousness and began to sing.

Don was singing because even while his body lay lifeless inside the ruins of his car, Don had experienced the glories of heaven and the very real dimension of God’s reality—he had returned from the gates of Heaven!

And although it meant he had to endure 13 excruciating months of hospitalization, 34 major surgeries, and years of painful therapy and rehabilitation, Don’s near death experiences & testimony reminds us that human pain is not the final word.