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Bill Wiese

He Lived To Talk About Hell

In November, 1998 Bill Wiese was involved in an out-of-body experience that fell under the classification of a vision (as described in 2 Corinthians 12:1-2). In that experience, the Lord took Bill to hell even though he had been a Christian for 28 years. Afterwards, Bill began studying the subject of hell to determine if what he had seen first-hand could be backed up in God’s Word.

Don Piper

He Experienced Heaven

In 1989, Don Piper laid dying from a horrific car accident. A pastor, who was travelling behind Don’s car at the time of the accident, immediately rushed to Don to find him lying lifeless. Feeling a call from God, the pastor began to pray over Don’s body along that lonely road. After an hour and a half, as the pastor prayed over Don’s lifeless body, Don regained consciousness and began to sing.

Akiane Kramarik

She Belonges to God

Akiane was only three-and-a-half years old when she began telling her mother about visions and dreams of different worlds and dimensions. She began sketching her visions to prove to her mother what she was seeing, and at the age of four she had a life-changing transformation that resulted in her family being brought to God.

Gerard Sybers

Greeted Like A Beloved Son

One afternoon in December, 1993 Gerard Sybers started to feel ill. He was later taken to the hospital by paramedics when they were unable to revive him at home. After being given a dose of medicine at the hospital which resulted in an allergic reaction, Gerard went into anaphylactic shock and swallowed his tongue. What he remembers from this event is praying and immediately seeing three angels who lifted him and carried him up. They relayed to Gerard, without speaking, that they were taking him to “the city of the Great King.”

Trudy Harris

Glimpses of Heaven

Trudy Harris knows first-hand that there’s far more to death than merely ceasing to live. As a Hospice nurse for more than 22 years, she’s cared for more than 40 patients who witnessed an incredible glimpse of Heaven as they neared the final hours and days of their time here on earth. These patients allowed the veil of Heaven to be pulled back so they could enter — albeit briefly — and then return to share their experience with her. She later captured those experiences in the pages of her book, Glimpses of Heaven.

Richard Sigmund

“Moving Through a Cloud”

After a tragic accident, doctors pronounced Richard Sigmund legally dead. Eight hours later, God miraculously brought him back to life while he was on the way to the morgue. But it was during those hours when everyone thought he was dead that God allowed him to experience the glorious beauty, heavenly sounds, sweet aromas, and boundless joys of Heaven that await every Believer.